Monday, September 8, 2008

The Accident

I thought I would start to post the happenings in our family the last 6 weeks. On July 26th at about 6 pm our sweet grand daughter, Kairi was terribly hurt in our backyard. We were building a pergola (wooden shade) over our patio. Pace, our son in law and Greg, my husband, were building this cover. We had a lot of our family over to enjoy the beautiful day. Brandon our son, his wife, Brittany and their little boy Dylan, who is 2 1/2 came up from Lindon. Liz, our daughter her husband Pace and sweet daughter Kairi who is 3 1/2 came up from Mesquite. Geri my mother in law was also there. We were having a great time. We had decided to go to the Temple when were were finished with the construction. Pace and Greg had secured the pergola and shook it to make sure it was safe. It was solid. There was no wind at that time. Kairi under to go into the house through the back door and the whole thing collasped. Greg was knocked off the ladder. Pace jumped off. No one knew Kairi was injured until Liz started to scream. It was total chaos for a while. Pace knew exactly what to do and he rolled Kairi onto her side so she would be able to breath. She really wasn't breating very well. He called for my husband to get his oil and come out to help him give Kairi a priesthood blessing. After the blessing Kairi took in a breath!! The police and ambulance arrived. The doctor on the ambulance was a trauma doc from Provo who just happened to be on the ambulance that day. Her knew immediatley that Kairi needed to be air lifted to Primay Children's Hopital in Salt Lake. The ambulance took Kairi to the local hospital, Heber Valley Medical Center. There they gave her medicine to paralyze her and they intubated her so she could breath. She was air lifted to Primary Children's where we met up with her about 45 min later. She was take to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) The pressure on her bain was 65 and normal is 0. She had suffered a traumatic brain injury. The doctors were not giving us a lot of information regarding her prognosis, just one step at a time. We had to get the pressure in her brain down. She was taken into surgery and they inserted a drain into the ventricle in her brain and a device to measure the pressure. We have spent many days on our knees in prayer and fasting for our sweet Kairi. She has done extremly well and is now in the Neuroscience Trauma Unit at Primary Children's and hopefully will be discharged and readmitted to rehab service. It would just be a paper discharge. She has had 7 surgeries in the last 6 weeks. She has had part of her fontal lobe removed because it was damaged. She has a shunt to continue to drain the fluid on her brian, she has a g tube to feed her directly into her stomach, She had botox injections in her legs to help her feet return to the correct position and casts on her legs. Her last surgery was last Wed. They replaced her bone flap from her skull. She has 3 fractures to her skull one on the top of her head, one at the base of her skull and one at her left temple. It is a true MIRACLE the she is doing so well. You can see pictures on the blog my son in laws family started the day after the accident. Many people have prayed on our beahlf and we know that this why she is doing so well. It will be a long road to recovery but we are all together and can do anything with the Lord's help.


Monday, July 28, 2008

Please Pray for Kairi!!

Here is a website we set up so you can be updated on Kairi.
Please keep her in your prayers.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Summer Fun

This is our grandson Dylan. We sometimes take care of him when Mom and Dad are at work. Here he is being a pirate.